breastfeeding vs formula for newborn

Breastfeeding vs formula for newborns is an important consideration for new parents. Health experts agree that breastfeeding is the healthiest option for both mom and baby. They recommend feeding babies only breast milk for the first six months. 

The mothers should breastfeed the child as a prominent part of their diet for at least 1 to 2 years after childbirth. Breastfeeding is also more convenient. You can breastfeed your child anywhere, anytime. You don’t need to make formula, worry about clean water, or carry it everywhere before feeding. 

 Breastfeeding vs. formula for newborns is far better because the nutrients in breast milk are better absorbed and full of vitamins. These include sugar (carbohydrate) and protein. Breast milk contains the nutrients best for your baby’s brain and nervous system development.

Why do doctors recommend Breastfeeding Vs. Formula?

Breastfeeding has health benefits for babies and mothers. Breastfeeding can also help protect the baby and mom against certain illnesses and diseases.

Some of the benefits of breastfeeding are given below;

1. Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for babies. As the baby grows, the breast milk will change to meet the baby’s nutritional needs.

2. Breastfeeding can help protect babies against illnesses and diseases. Breastfed infants have a lower risk of asthma, type 1 diabetes, and sudden infant death syndrome. Breastfed babies are also likely to have ear infections and stomach bugs.

3. Breastmilk shares antibodies from the mother with her baby. Antibodies help babies develop a robust immune system and protect them from illnesses 

4. Breastfeeding reduces the chances and risks of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure

5. Research showed that children who breastfed scored higher on intelligence. Formula feed does not fulfill the requirements of vitamins for mental growth. Breast milk helps to grow physically and mentally.

Infant formulas take two times longer for a baby to digest than breast milk. The slower digestion of infant formula can affect feeding frequency. 

Why should mothers choose to breastfeed Vs. Formula feeding for their newborns?

The risk of infection is high as microorganisms may stick to the neck and teat of the bottle and transmit to the infant with the reuse of the bottle.

It can increase your baby’s risk of choking, ear infections, and tooth decay. Your baby may eat more than they need. Do not put your baby on the bed with a bottle. Milk can pool around the baby’s teeth, and this can cause tooth decay.

Breastfed babies cry more and generally have more challenging temperaments than formula-fed infants. But such behavior is normal, and the mother should cope rather than reach for a bottle. 


Breast milk is the primary source of nutrients for a baby. During pregnancy, a woman’s body prepares a new food supply for her baby. From the 4th week of pregnancy, milk-producing cells called lactocytes start forming. You might start noticing your breast growing during pregnancy, but how much milk you produce depends on the milk-producing tissues. The milk production cycle only begins once your baby is born.

Breastmilk provides all the essential nutrients, like protein, minerals, and fat, as well as water, to keep the baby hydrated. Breast milk is not ordinary food. It’s the living “liquid gold.”

Let’s understand the stages of breast milk,

1. Colostrum – first stage of breastmilk

Colostrum occurs during pregnancy and lasts several days after the baby’s birth. This yellowish sticky milk is essential for a baby’s health. It is also very leisurely to digest 

2. Transitional milk – second stage of breast milk

Transitional milk replaces colostrum. It is creamy and has a high protein, vitamin, and lactose level. It gradually changes color from yellow to white. 

3. Mature milk – third milk stage

After a few weeks, the milk reaches the stage of mature milk. It is lighter in color and stays consistent, but breast milk’s composition can still change daily and from feed to feed.

Read more: Will breastfeeding prevent flu? How to Breastfeed When Sick?


Breastfeeding vs. formula for newborn babies is a much better and healthier decision for a new mom’s health and the child’s physical and mental growth.

Breastfed kids have less difficulty with digestion than formula-fed infants. Breast milk is the cleanest food for children for the first two years; no replacements are advised. Mother-to-child touch and nurturing interactions during breastfeeding play a significant role in strengthening a child’s

sensory and emotional circuitry, both of which are important for cognitive and social-emotional development.