Hebiscus Tea during Pregnancy


A woman’s pregnancy is a beautiful moment in her life, but it also comes with a lot of obligations, including being mindful of what she consumes. Although many people find herbal teas to be calming, pregnant women should exercise care when drinking hibiscus tea. In this post, we’ll look at the reasons why hibiscus tea is avoided during pregnancy, any concerns it poses at various trimesters, and what to do if you’ve already had some.

Why is Hibiscus Tea Bad During Pregnancy?

Because of the tremendous physiological changes that occur during pregnancy, certain normally safe medications may actually be harmful to both you and your unborn child. One such beverage to stay away from while pregnant is hibiscus tea for a number of reasons:

High Vitamin C Content

Hibiscus tea has a lot of vitamin C, which is normally helpful for your immune system. However, too much vitamin C during pregnancy may be harmful since it may result in miscarriage or premature delivery.

Potential Blood Pressure Issues

Studies have indicated that hibiscus tea may drop blood pressure in certain people. While this may be advantageous for people who have high blood pressure, it may cause low blood pressure during pregnancy, which might cause fainting, dizziness, or insufficient blood supply to the unborn child.

Uterine Stimulant

Hibiscus tea is regarded as a uterine stimulant, which indicates that it may produce uterine contractions. This might result in early labor or even miscarriage during pregnancy, which makes it extremely troublesome.

Hibiscus During Pregnancy – Second Trimester

Although the second trimester is often seen as the safest for pregnancy, hibiscus tea must be avoided during this time:

Risk of Low Blood Pressure

Although the second trimester is often more stable, hibiscus tea’s potential to drop blood pressure and cause pain and dizziness should also be taken into consideration.

Hibiscus During Pregnancy – Third Trimester

The dangers of hibiscus tea increase when you reach the third trimester and your child continues to develop:

Uterine Contractions

Premature contractions and early labor might result from the uterine-stimulating characteristics of hibiscus tea, which become increasingly troublesome in the third trimester.

What to Do If You Drink Hibiscus Tea While Pregnant

Don’t freak out if you unintentionally drink hibiscus tea when pregnant. What you ought to do is:

Stop Consumption

Stop drinking hibiscus tea right away.

Consult a healthcare professional 

To talk about the matter, get in touch with your obstetrician or midwife. Based on your unique situation, they may provide advice.

Monitor for Symptoms

Be on the lookout for any odd symptoms, such bleeding, cramps, or a dip in blood pressure, and let your doctor know right away.

Why is Hibiscus Tea Bad During Pregnancy – NHS Guidelines

Due to the possibility for difficulties, the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK recommends against drinking hibiscus tea while pregnant.

First trimester of pregnancy and hibiscus

It’s important to watch what you eat throughout the first trimester, while your baby’s organs are developing:

chance of Miscarriage

Since hibiscus tea stimulates uterine contractions, the chance of miscarriage may be increased during the first trimester.

Hibiscus Tea at 39 Weeks Pregnant

The hazards of drinking hibiscus tea are still there at 39 weeks of pregnancy even when you are getting close to full term:

Uterine Contractions

Your baby is almost ready to be delivered at 39 weeks, and hibiscus tea’s capacity to amplify uterine contractions may result in an early labor.


As a result, even while hibiscus tea may be a delectable beverage at other times, it is advisable to avoid it when pregnant owing to its possible hazards, including its effect on blood pressure and uterine contractions. Prioritize the health and safety of both you and your developing baby by speaking with your healthcare practitioner if you have any questions regarding your nutrition during pregnancy.

Written by

Dr Hoorain

Hoorain Batul is a passionate and experienced writer specializing in gynecology, obstetrics, fashion, and women's wellness. Hailing from Pakistan, she holds an MBBS degree, having completed her studies in 2011, and has furthered her expertise with FCPS Part 1 and 2. With a deep understanding of women's health and a keen eye for fashion, Hoorain brings a unique perspective to her content, providing valuable insights and empowering women with knowledge to lead healthier and more fashionable lives. Her content is a hub of informative and engaging articles, catering to the diverse needs of women worldwide.