will breastfeeding ruin my implants

Everything changes when you have children. As a parent, you will experience profound changes to your physical well-being, daily routine, and worldview.

With a few notable exceptions, moms who have had breast implants are able to nurse their children. The condition of your breasts before surgery and the style of incision utilized will determine whether breastfeeding ruins your implants or not you can breastfeed thereafter.

Getting breast implants may reduce your ability to breastfeed. Some cases, however, have no impact on milk production. You may also be concerned about the safety of your implants during nursing. Changes in breast size and form are natural outcomes of pregnancy and nursing. Breastfeeding will not have any effect on your implants, but it may have an effect on the overall size and form of your breasts.

3 Common Myths of Breast Implants

Are you still wondering if breastfeeding will ruin my implants? Even though pregnancy and breastfeeding won’t change your implants, your real breast tissue and skin will change. Breast tissue enlargement and fluid buildup occur during pregnancy due to changes in hormone levels and body weight. Your skin stretches as a result of these alterations. 

If you’ve been breastfeeding, your breasts will have shrunk back to their pre-pregnancy size by the time you stop. However, your skin may have been stretched too thin to contract over your smaller breasts entirely.

As a result, a question is raised: will breastfeeding ruin my breast lift? Extreme weight loss after pregnancy might exacerbate the lack of fullness and lead to a sagging look. Their breasts seem deflated, and their skin looks loose and saggy. These modifications do not impact the integrity of the implants themselves, but they may make your breast augmentation seem less natural, leading you to feel dissatisfied with the outcome.

Here are the most common breastfeeding myths:

1- Breast Implants Raise the Chance of Postpartum Sagging

The fear that the implants may cause the breasts to droop after nursing is a major deterrent for many women considering breast augmentation. Breastfeeding with implants sagging is a myth and not the only reason for overall changes in breast size. According to a study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it often occurs in women after giving birth, not while nursing. Pregnancy, not nursing, causes <a href="https://gynaefit.com/index.php/2022/12/10/womens-health-is-important-5-ways-women-can-take-charge-of-their-bodies/" title="<strong>Women’s Health Is Important: 5 Ways Women Can Take Charge Of Their Bodiesphysical health changes in a woman.

2- Pregnancy Affect Aesthetic Improvements

Nursing mothers should not worry that their new breasts may fall when considering breast augmentation. Because pregnancy causes natural changes in the body, the first investment will be safe. Although sagging breasts are common after pregnancy due to increased skin laxity and decreased breast tissue volume, nursing does not bring on sagging. So your question related to pregnancy ruining my breast implants is valid. Consult your plastic surgeon to find out more about breast augmentation and pregnancy.

3- Breast Implants Do Not Make It Impossible To Nurse

There is a widespread myth amongst mothers that getting breast implants would prevent them from nursing their children. Both the upper and lower pectoral muscles may be implanted. Because the implant will be placed underneath the milk-producing gland tissue, it will not affect nursing.

Suggestion On How To Breastfeed

You can take steps to ensure your kid gets the proper nutrition from breast milk.

If you have chosen to breastfeed while using implants, consider the following advice:

1- Frequently Breastfeed Your Infant

Can you breastfeed with breast implants? Yes!! Your milk supply may be established and maintained if you breastfeed your infant 8-10 times a day. <a href="https://gynaefit.com/index.php/2022/12/10/what-should-you-know-about-breastfeeding-mothers-immunocompromised/" title="<strong>What Should You Know About Breastfeeding Mothers immunocompromised?Breastfeeding increases milk production. Thus it’s best to do it as frequently as possible. Your body will start making milk as soon as it feels your baby sucking on your breast. 

Using both breasts when breastfeeding is another way to boost milk production. You are still able to provide your baby with antibodies and nourishment even if you only make a tiny bit of milk at each feeding.

2- Use Galactagogues Made From Herbs

Breast milk production may be increased naturally with the aid of a few herbs, including:

  • Milk Thistle Fennel with Fenugreek
  • No solid research supports the use of herbal galactagogues. 

The results of certain research, However, credible research suggest that fenugreek may boost milk production.

Lactation cookies are another option for some. These are available for purchase online or may be easily crafted at home and used to stimulate milk production. Common components of these baked goods include:

Herbal galactagogues like brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, flax seed, and whole oats.

However, there is a lack of data on whether lactation cookies boost milk supply. There has been a lack of thorough research on the effects of exposure on infants.

3- Ensure A Secure Infant Latch

Your baby will benefit more from feedings if she has a good latch. 

A successful latch occurs when the infant swallows an adequate amount of breast milk into their mouth. To begin, make sure their jaws are completely open when you hook them. Your baby’s gums and tongue should cover your areola if your breast is far enough.

Make sure your baby is in a comfortable posture, and then gently lead them to your breast. If your infant is having trouble latching on, try holding your breast with your thumb and fingers in a “C” position, right under the areola.

The services of a lactation consultant may also be of interest to you. You may get these things at your local hospital or doctor’s office. They may watch while you feed your baby and provide advice on how to improve the baby’s latch and positioning.

4- Add A Nutritional Supplement

Your baby’s physician or a lactation consultant may help you decide whether or not to supplement your breastfeeding with formula if you are only producing a small quantity of milk.

Check for the following indicators that your infant is receiving enough milk:

  • Sustained, deep, and rhythmic sucking when breastfed
  • Black meconium feces gradually become yellow and seedy; six or more wet diapers and three or more dirty diapers daily.
  • Your baby’s weight might also tell you whether or not you’re producing enough milk. During the first few days of life, infants often lose 7–10% of their birth weight before they start to gain weight.

5- Make Sure You Frequently Empty Your Breasts

Are you still thinking that breastfeeding will ruin my breasts? When you empty your breasts, you stimulate milk production. If you want more milk for your baby, try using a breast pump or expressing your milk by hand after each feeding.

In 2012, researchers discovered that pumping both breasts at once enhanced milk supply. Furthermore, it caused breast milk to include more fat and calories. If you are worried about your baby’s weight increase or your ability to produce enough breast milk, you should see your baby’s physician.


There are chances that you would be wondering how breast implants look after pregnancy. Your breasts will go through some of the most significant changes of any part of your body. It is concerned about the safety of your breast implants and the efficacy of your breast augmentation if your body goes through significant weight loss or gain after having breast enhancement surgery.