Does continuing to breastfeed during pregnancy increase the chance of miscarriage? If the mother is committed to nursing her child mainly, then yes.
57% of newborns in the United States are breastfed for at least six months, and over a third are nursed for up to 12 months, according to recent studies. People think that breastfeeding keeps them from getting pregnant. Women may still become pregnant while nursing. Women in this situation may continue nursing their first kid even if they get pregnant again.
So the question is can breastfeeding cause miscarriage for exclusive nursing during pregnancy may increase the chance of miscarriage to the same extent as conceiving beyond age 40, according to a recent research presented in Perspectives on Sexual Reproductive Health. In the same research, providing infants with supplementary meals did not seem to put moms at any additional risk.
Is Breastfeeding A Miscarriage Risk?
Breastfeeding is safe at any time throughout pregnancy; there is no evidence linking it to an increased risk of miscarriage, but some experts disagree.
There are many divergent viewpoints on the topic of nursing when pregnant. However, no study has ever revealed an increased risk of miscarriage in mothers who continue breastfeeding an older kid.
It used to be standard practice for physicians to tell expecting mothers to cease breastfeeding after they had their second child. Breastfeeding was seen as a potential risk since it may prevent the baby from getting enough nutrition while it’s still growing, or it can trigger contractions in the mother’s uterus (because breastfeeding causes increased oxytocin levels, which also can cause uterine contractions).
However, there is no hard proof that this really does take place. Babies born to moms who breastfeed throughout pregnancy seem to be fully healthy. Most people agree that pregnant women should have the freedom to choose whether or not to continue breastfeeding. Some high-risk situations, such as placenta previa, may warrant further precautions from your doctor. Most women may certainly feel secure breastfeeding throughout their pregnancies.
Your breast milk may include trace quantities of pregnancy hormones; nevertheless, these levels are safe for your nursing baby. Another common worry among moms is that the oxytocin produced while breastfeeding would cause them to go into labor too soon.
There is no danger in nursing during <a href="" title="<strong>101 Facts– Can Breastfeeding Moms Eat Honey While Breastfeeding?pregnancy, but you should know that you will likely start making colostrum in anticipation of the birth of your baby. As a result, your breastfeeding infant may start to wean on their own if they don’t like the new flavor. It’s acceptable to let him keep eating if he doesn’t appear to hate the flavor.
If you are having a high-risk pregnancy or have any questions, it is important to talk to your doctor.
The Root Cause of Pregnancy Loss
In the first three months of pregnancy, almost three out of every four pregnancies end in miscarriage.
For the most part, fetal abnormalities are to blame for these losses. The majority of second-trimester miscarriages may be traced back to some kind of issue with the mother’s health. However, breastfeeding has nothing to do with either of these issues.
Nearly one in ten pregnancies in women under the age of 30 are lost to miscarriage. Among women aged 35 to 39, this number doubles to about 20% of pregnancies ending in miscarriage.
1- The Complication in the First Trimester
Chromosome abnormalities account for roughly two-thirds of all miscarriages that occur in the first trimester.
A fetus with chromosomal abnormalities often miscarries because it lacks the genetic instructions it needs to grow normally.
A single miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities does not guarantee future losses for the mother. Also, if a miscarriage is traced back to chromosomal abnormalities, it doesn’t mean that either the mother’s or the father’s chromosomes are defective.
In addition to chromosomal abnormalities, other conditions and lifestyle factors can raise the risk of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.
Issues with the placenta, smoking, substance abuse, and obesity are all contributors.
2- Miscarriage During the Second Trimester
When a miscarriage occurs during the second trimester, it is usually because the mother is dealing with an underlying health problem, such as:3
- The ailment is known as hypertension
- Diabetes
- Urologic Disorders
- Immune system disorder
- Pathologies involving the thyroid
- Food-borne illnesses and other infections, including syphilis, chlamydia, rubella, gonorrhea, HIV, and rubella
- The weakening of the cervix, together with preexisting health problems and infections, is a risk factor for miscarriage during the second trimester.
Tips on Breastfeeding While Pregnant
Pregnancy and breastfeeding are individual decisions. You and your baby may both benefit from these suggestions if you decide to nurse while you’re pregnant:
- You may alleviate breast discomfort and nipple sensitivity by taking pain relievers like Tylenol or applying warm compresses to those areas.
- If you’re feeling exhausted because of your pregnancy and because you’re still nursing your older kid, make sure you get enough rest.
- Get some assistance with things like childcare or cleaning.
- Avoid caffeinated beverages and energy drinks since they might cause dehydration.
- Maintain a schedule of frequent meals and water intake. This may help you eat and drink more without feeling sick, which is important for keeping your milk supply up when breastfeeding.
- Get enough fluids in your system. Pregnancy-safe drink mixes without added sugar.
- It’s important that you meet the nutritional demands of your infants by eating well and getting enough calories.
- If you’re having trouble getting your older kid to latch on when nursing, try switching positions. See that you’re completely at ease. When breastfeeding, your baby may lay on top of you or alongside you as you relax.
Things New Moms Should Consider
The practice of breastfeeding two at once. Even after the birth of a new baby, you may keep nursing your older kid. Tandem feeding describes such a situation. Two separate meals are not necessary. It’s a great way for the kids to spend time together while also helping out with the time crunch. If you want to nurse both babies, the new one should come first.
You may notice that your breast milk becomes thick and yellow for a while after the birth of your new baby. Your infant will get some calories and nutrients from this. This breast milk is OK for your older kid to drink, but it may make them sick.
Weaning. By “weaning,” I mean gradually introducing solid foods other than breast milk to the infant. Weaning may begin whenever you and your older kid are ready. In order to prepare for the birth of your new baby, your older kid may wean themselves off breast milk. Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, breast milk supply may drop, and the increased salt content may make breastfeeding uncomfortable.
The decision to breastfeed during pregnancy is personal, but you should discuss it with your healthcare provider and/or a lactation consultant. They will advise you on whether or not breastfeeding is recommended throughout pregnancy. You’ll get advice on how to wean your infant off breast milk, what to eat, and how many calories you should consume.